Page 35 - My Perspectives, Student's Book, klasa 4
P. 35

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                    HELP SAVE THE ENDANGERED
                    Pacific Northwest

                    Tree Octopus

                    FROM EXTINCTION

                    ABOUT         HELP         FAQs         SIGHTINGS    MEDIA         ACTIVITIES   LINKS

                      About                                       30  Why it’s endangered
                                                                     (4) … Although the tree octopus is not yet
                                                                     on the official list of endangered animals,
                       (1) … The Pacific Northwest tree octopus
                    1  The Pacific Northwest tree octopus (Octopus   Although the tree octopus is not yet on the
                                                                     it should be, as numbers are now seriously
                       (Octopus paxarbolis) is only found in the
                      Paxarbolis) is only found in the forests of   30  official list of endangered animals, it should
                       forests of Washington State, on the eastern
                                                                     low. It faces many threats: trees in Pacific-
                      Washington State, on the eastern side of the   be as numbers are now seriously low. It faces
                       side of the Olympic Mountains, in the USA.
                                                                     Northwest forests are constantly being
                      Olympic Mountains, in the United States.      many threats: trees in the Pacific Northwest
                     5  These creatures reach an average size of   35  cut down; new roads have cut off access
                    5  These creatures reach an average size of     forests are constantly being cut down;
                                                                     to water; the growth of local towns has
                       between 30 and 35 centimetres and live for
                      between 30 and 35 centimetres and live for    new roads have cut off access to water;
                                                                     introduced house cats into the region which
                       around four years. They are unusual in that
                      around four years. They are unusual in that   35  the growth of local towns has introduced
                       they live both in water and on land, a fact
                                                                     hunt the octopuses and pollution is getting
                      they live both in water and on land, a fact   house cats into the region, and they hunt
                       made possible by the very high amounts of
                                                                     worse. Immediate action needs to be taken
                      made possible by the very high amounts of     the octopuses and pollution is getting worse.
                     10  rainfall in this part of the USA.        40  to stop the tree octopus from becoming
                    10  rainfall in this part of the United States.  Immediate action needs to be taken to stop
                       (2) … Possessing the largest brain of any    the tree octopus from becoming extinct.
                      Possessing the largest brain of any octopus,    (5) … Here are some things you can do to
                       octopus, the tree octopus explores its
                      the tree octopus explores its surroundings by   Become an activist
                                                                     help protect the last few tree octopuses:
                       surroundings by touch and sight. Some
                      touch and sight. Some scientists believe that   40  Here are some things you can do to help
                       scientists believe that the way it has adapted
                                                                     •   Write to the government to say you
                      the way it has adapted to life in the forest   protect the last few tree octopuses.
                     15  to life in the forest mirrors the way early   are worried and that you feel the
                    15  mirrors the way early life forms adapted to   45  •    Write to the government to say you are
                       life forms adapted to life away from the
                      life away from the water. Although they are      tree octopus should be given special
                       water. Although they are not social animals
                                                                       protection and included on the
                      not social animals like humans, they can         worried and that you feel the tree octopus
                       like humans, they can still show emotions
                                                                       Endangered Species List.
                      still show emotions by changing their skin       should be given special protection and
                       by changing their skin colour: red indicates
                                                                       included on the Endangered Species List.
                      colour: red indicates anger and white, fear.   45  •   Write to celebrities, asking them to talk
                     20  anger and white, fear. Normally, though, they   •    Write to celebrities asking them to talk
                                                                       in interviews about the dangers facing the
                    20  Normally, though, they are a green-brown   50
                       are a green-brown colour that matches their
                                                                       tree octopus.
                      colour that matches their surroundings.          about the dangers facing the tree octopus
                       surroundings.                                   in interviews.
                      Every spring, tree octopuses leave their       •    Let the world know about the tree
                       (3) … Every spring, tree octopuses leave
                                                                       octopus: tell your family and friends.
                      homes and travel to the coast to breed. Males   •    Let the world know about the tree
                       their homes and travel to the coast to breed.
                                                                       octopus: tell your family and friends.
                      soon return to the forest, while females lay   50  •    Tell people not to buy products made
                     25  Males soon return to the forest, while females   •    Tell people not to buy products made
                                                                       by companies that don’t protect the tree
                    25  their eggs underwater. The young then spend   55
                       lay their eggs underwater. The young then
                                                                       octopus when cutting down trees.
                      their first month or so floating near to the     by companies that don’t protect the tree
                       spend their first month or so floating near to
                                                                       octopus when cutting down trees.
                      shore before moving out of the water and       •   Start an online campaign! Encourage
                       the shore before moving out of the water and
                      beginning their adult lives.                  •    Start an online campaign! Encourage
                                                                       people to sign a petition.
                       beginning their adult lives in the forest.
                                                                  55   people to sign a petition.
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